Free H5P-2-ZIP Converter

Drop your H5P-File here to download a converted ZIP-File ...


After processing of your file is complete, downloads will be shown down below.

... processing ...
To limit the costs of traffic the upload-limit (of each package to convert) is set to 1GB. If you want to convert bigger files just remove the large assets before uploading and add the assets later to the zip.
The assets can be found under content/videos, content/images and so on.

Extract the downloaded ZIP to a folder on your hard-drive (or any web-server).

Just start the interaction by clicking/linking to the HTML-File in the root. Only a web-browser is necessary.

The ZIP-Container will contain all necessary files to run your H5P-Interaction without the need to use any web-server (all H5P-runtime-files are included in this package).

An additional "imsmanifest.xml" is also created. That does not hurt but makes it possible to use the zip directly as a scrom-package. (fx. you can directly import it into any moodle)

It is possible without any problems of interference to merge different zip-packages into one directory. Files which are contained more than once are the same and can be replaced or omitted during extraction.

The different html-files in the root are the entry-points to the different Content-Packages.

Update 2024/10/02: Update of core-scripts on the converter.

Update 2024/07/23: Due to a report from user "scott.hallman" on we updated the core-scripts on the converter.
Now also the newest h5p-files can be converted.

All fonts, images, scripts and styles from are included in the downloaded ZIP-File. They are needed to run your Content-Package.

Some of these h5p-core-files and files from you uploaded libraries are converted if that is needed to ensure the ability to run your Content-Package without the need of any web-server.

Some content-types may not run without a web-server due to cross-domain-security issues in the used h5p-javascript-libraries like

Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported.

In this case you can read those messages in the javascript-console of your browser. Nevertheless they are working, if you upload the Content-Package to a web-server instead.

No other source-code from is used to convert your Content-Package.

If you would like to include our sources into your own services/software, feel free to contact us. The converter itself is written in php but can easily be ported to a different programming-language.

Neither your uploaded file(s) nor the converted file(s) are stored after the conversion took place on this server or are processed any further.

As soon as the download appears below, your upload and the converted ZIP do not exist on the server anymore. They are stored only in the memory of your browser as long as you do not close or reload the page. The downloads will also be removed after downloading the ZIP-File to your hard-drive or removing the tag.

The only logged data is the access.log of the underlying web-server.
A service by Antares Project GmbH, Germany (© 2024)